Seminar in Integrity and Security – Amsterdam
On 26-28 September in Amsterdam, the third in the series of four seminars which fall within the EU Aid Volunteer Capacity Building project will take place. The purpose of these seminars is to bring together the great Medecins Du Monde partnership and share concepts that run through the veins of every NGO which are, nonetheless, interpreted in different ways.
The Dutch professionals will focus on Integrity and Security in NGOs. Those concepts will be explained by providing different and practical examples of how they are being put into use.
The meaning of the worldwide #MeToo movement, how to deal with sexual harassment and and how to keep integrity in very tough situations are some of the topics covered in this event.
Soon after the event the conclusion will be published, and if you want to learn more do not hesitate to get in touch with the Médecins du Monde team at: